Benefits of In-Person Therapy

by Miriam R Rieck
Lake Travis Counseling Connection
Benefits of In-Person Therapy
If you're new to therapy and don't know what to expect, building trust and rapport with your therapist will be key. In-person therapy gives you the opportunity to meet with your therapist face-to-face—which means that you'll be able to get a feel for their personality and how they work before committing to them for treatment. This will help you feel more confident in their ability as well as create a more comfortable environment for opening up about yourself. You'll also have an opportunity to see whether or not they're a good fit for you—and if so, you can decide whether or not you want them as your primary therapist moving forward.
There are many benefits to in-person therapy:
More human connection In-person therapy allows you to connect on a more personal level with your therapist, which can help you feel more comfortable and open up more easily. This is especially important if you have a history of trauma or anxiety. You can see your therapist's entire body language when they talk to you or show concern over something that has happened in your life. This can help you feel more connected to them, which can make it easier to open up about difficult topics or express your feelings without worrying about how they might react. You will also have more opportunities to ask questions and get feedback directly from your therapist.
More accountability A therapist who works in person will be able to see if you're following through on the goals they set for you, while a virtual one may not have as much insight into your day-to-day life. If you know that someone is watching over your progress, it's easier to stay motivated and focused on what's important! If you're struggling with depression or anxiety, it's important that you see a therapist as soon as possible so they can help guide you through treatment options and develop a plan that works for your needs. The sooner you start seeing a therapist, the sooner they'll be able to help manage any symptoms associated with these conditions including loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, inability to concentrate at work/school, etc.
Easier access With in-person therapy, there's no need to wait for a good connection or to be in a place with stable internet. You don't have to worry about whether or not someone is overhearing your conversation. You are in a safe space with sound-proof walls and sometimes even additional noise-blocking devices. There is no fear of eavesdropping by roommates or family, and there is zero risk of your meeting being hacked. You also don't have to worry about whether or not your therapist will be available for emergencies because they're located in a physical building where they work with clients during regular business hours (and usually provide you with emergency access after-hours).
While many people are familiar with the benefits of online therapy, we feel that the in-person model of therapy is a more effective form of therapy. We hope that some of the reasons listed above will help you determine why you may want to consider in-person therapy over telehealth.